Our Work
In May of 2021, we lost our studio to fire. It was a total lost. Thankfully, there were no loss of life or injuries. Currently, we are continuously building and have been blessed to remain active in the process. We have been truly blessed to establish new partnerships that have proven to be great assets in a common objective - providing great music,
Trimod Productions style!

Recording Booth and
Audio Rack Installation
Although we are making great progress with establishing the new studio, we are still continuing to build and upgrade. Pictured is Ken Jones, CEO, senior producer and audio engineer. His current initiative is to not only create and produce great music. He is also collaborating with both experienced and novice level producers and artists who are looking for opportunities to develop their creative and technical skills.
Accoustic Treatment Preparation
Proper accoustic treatment can prove to be both challenging and expensive. Not pictured, are the custom bass traps currently under construction. It doesn't matter if you have the so-called top of the line studio monitors, it is a waste of money if they're being utilized in an improperly treated space.

Music Distribution
We currently have music available through multiple outlets or directly from Trimod Productions . Though we are not targeting a specific audience, we are pursuing interested recording labels, artists and filmmakers alike. It would be awesome if
Trimod Productions was acquired for scoring a film.

Microphone Acquisition and Comparison
It is always helpful to obtain and possess a variety of microphones. Besides the artist, it is one of the most essential assets within the recording chain. It's like having "audio ice cream." It can allow the producer or recording engineer to enhance vocal or musical elements with different flavors.